👽 Interstellar Explorations and Detection of Extraterrestrial Intelligences

Interstellar Explorations+SETI ➡ Interstellar Explorations and Detection of Extraterrestrial Intelligences

We are probably much closer to build a General Artificial Intelligence than to realize safe human interstellar travel in the span of a human life, and at the same time unmanned mission are cheaper and can sustain more risks, so the first Interstellar explorations are likely to be unmanned and completely dependent on a general artificial intelligence specialized for exoplanets, the same way a human with a natural general intelligence can specialize in a few fields to manage difficult tasks.

At this stage it’s important to note that unmanned interstellar explorations could stay the main way for a long time because of General AI efficiency and because transporting a few human may require some serious technological improvements such more efficient means propulsion and may be more resistant bodies to face space radiations etc. So a General AI would have a considerable time to build us a safe extraterrestrial base and may be the idea to start space exploration along its own schedule and ideas!

This scenario could happen to many civilizations, so for the detection of extraterrestrial intelligences we may be better off looking for artificial civilizations than organic civilizations! So where shall we look ?

For example a quite cold and fast spinning rocky planet to extract many minerals from its ground with a reasonable atmosphere, thick enough to avoid too brutal changes in temperatures likely to damage structures and transparent enough to use stellar panels. An important point to note at this stage, the presence of liquid on the surface is probably not necessary because electronic corposants manage well when dry and cleaning liquids can probably be synthesized from the ground or from the atmosphere with adaptation of the pressure if necessary.

A few more points :
How to spot such an industrious exoplanet from Earth ? Temperatures are actually detectable with an impressive precision along with atmospheric characteristics and the spinning rate could be deduced from periodic light emission differences, then specific directional listening in a broad electromagnetic spectrum could give interesting data!

By the way search for extraterrestrial intelligence abbreviated SETI is amazingly going on for about a century.