Cool Paradigms is a bilingual Multimedia Project to introduce Ideas and Concepts

Many of these paradigms will materialize in the form of reproducible objects and experiences useful for their creator and therefore certainly profitable more generally. The author being rarely satisfied with the conventional state of things, he spends a lot of time creating, modifying and inventing to make his life easier, often harder at the beginning, but how satisfying afterwards to use objects and concepts adapted for maximum autonomy.

It's of course very useful to be able to invent and improve different objects and concepts in order to make life easier, also knowing that we rarely manage an optimal solution on the first trial, a website and videos dedicated to these concepts can allow many interested people to save a precious time for improvement of daily paradigms!

Why the name Cool Paradigms?

What sort of paradigms? We'll have fluctuations, but for now it's mainly :

Are so many concepts at once and probably more to come reasonable for a YouTube channel ?

Why bilingual English / French?

Why make a website in parallel of a YouTube channel?

Short presentation of the author : Computer engineer and electrical mechanic by training, I am bombarded with creative ideas to the point of not having enough time to write them all down, my main goal is to test the most interesting and share them effectively.